All posts tagged
object orientation

Object-oriented UX

Object think helps any designer tremendously.

“That’s OOUX: putting object design before procedural action design, and thinking about a system through the lens of the real-world objects in a user’s mental model (products, tutorials, locations), not digital-world actions (search, filter, compare, check out). We determine the actions after first defining the objects, as opposed to the traditional actions-first process that jumps straight into flows, interactions, and features.”

Sophia Voychehovski a.k.a. /sophiav | @sophiavux ~ A List Apart

What is object-oriented experience design?

So there must be a Gang of Four as well.

“The way we think about experience design and visual design is evolving. The digital environment is becoming increasingly more diverse, and experience design professionals need to adapt accordingly. Object-oriented design provides the toolset for user experience designers to face these challenges head-on.”

(Sharon Carter ~ Macquarium)