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A formal description of ZigZag-structures PDF Logo

“The focus of this paper is on particular and innovative structures for storing, linking and manipulating information: the ZigZag-structures. In the last years, we worked at the formalization of these structures, retaining that the description of the formal aspects can provide a better understanding of them, and can also stimulate new ideas, projects and research. This work presents our contribution for a deeper discussion on ZigZag-structures.” (XanaWorkshop 2009)

The Hyperlink as Organizing Principle

“What does a hyperlink mean? The question itself is problematical. We might be satisfied with the simpler and related question of what a hyperlink is and what a hyperlink does. But in trying to understand what the larger social effects of hyperlink networks are, it is not enough to be able to define a hyperlink, we need to understand its nature, its use, and its social effects.” (Alexander Halavais – in Turow T. and Lokman Tsui (eds.) 2008, The Hyperlinked Society)- courtesy of davidweinberger

Ted Nelson 70th Birthday Lecture

High definition video registration – Ted Nelson (the guy who coined the term ‘hypertext’) gave a 90 mins. speech on the occasion of his 70th birthday. Not on current computing, but based upon his million notes on meaningful connections, such as education, the brothers Grimm, Indo-European languages, the island of Crete, the Greek Gods, Wikipedia as a casino, AIDS, paper imitation ‘under glass’ and the limitations of the PARC User Interface. (Zepler TV)

Don’t Click Here: The Art of Hyperlinking

“I suspect Wikipedia may be closer to Ted’s vision of Xanadu: a self-contained constellation of highly interlinked information, with provisions for identity, versioning, and rights management. But enough about the history of the hyperlink. How can we use them effectively in the here and now? I thoroughly enjoyed Philipp Lenssen’s recent link usability tips. I liked it so much, in fact, that I’m using it as a template for a visual compendium of link usability tips– the art of hyperlinking.” (Jeff AtwoodCoding Horror) – courtesy of lodewijkschutte


“HyperScope is a high-performance thought processor that enables you to navigate, view, and link to documents in sophisticated ways. It’s the brainchild of Doug Engelbart, the inventor of hypertext and the mouse, and is the first step towards his larger vision for an Open Hyperdocument System.” (Douglas Engelbart et al.) – courtesy of readwriteweb

Liquid Information

“(…) a research project at UCLiC in London in cooperation with Doug Engelbart in California. We are aiming to make text more interactive – turning words into hyperwords. Why? Most electronic communication has focused on the production of information, not the digestion of information. In order to make informed decisions in our work, it’s not enough to rely on automated systems – we need to get the right information into our heads.” (About Liquid Information) – courtesy of nooface

A Comparison of Hyperstructures: Zzstructures, mSpaces, and Polyarchies

“Hypermedia applications tend to use simple representations for navigation: most commonly, nodes are organized within an unconstrained graph, and users are presented with embedded links or lists of links. Recently, new data structures have emerged which may serve as alternative models for both the organization, and presentation, of hypertextual nodes and links. In this paper, we consider zzstructures, mSpaces, and polyarchies from the perspective of graph theory, and compare these models formally.” – (Michael J. McGuffin and M.C. Schraefel) – courtesy of ui designer

Twin Media: Hypertext Structure Under Pressure

“This essay explores issues that arise in composing a long argumentative hypertext that is connected with a book on the same subject. (…) Although the situation of the hypertext being discussed is somewhat unique, in fact hypertext structure is always under pressure from print habits of reading and writing, especially in scholarly writing, so the issues discussed here are widely relevant.” (David Kolb)

Visions of Xanadu: Paul Otlet (1868-1944) and Hypertext

“The paper discusses Otlet’s concept of the Office of Documentation and, as examples of an approach to actual hypertext systems, several special Offices of Documentation set up in the International Office of Bibliography. In his Traité de Documentation of 1934, one of the first systematic treatises on what today we would call information science, Otlet speculated imaginatively about online communications, text-voice conversion and what is needed in computer work stations, though of course he does not use this terminology.” (W. Boyd RaywardThe Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)