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Content management

Content management is the set of processes and technologies that support the collection, managing, and publishing of information in any form or medium. (source: Wikipedia)

CM Pros

“(…) content management is essential to organizations of every type. It harvests and promotes both financial and human value for the companies and organizations that can tap its potential. CM Pros is a membership organization that fosters the sharing of content management information, practices, and strategies.” (About CM Pros)

Managing Content with Automatic Document Classification

“News articles and Web directories represent some of the most popular and commonly accessed content on the Web. Information designers normally define categories that model these knowledge domains (i.e. news topics or Web categories) and domain experts assign documents to these categories. The paper describes how machine learning and automatic document classification techniques can be used for managing large numbers of news articles, or Web page descriptions, lightening the load on domain experts.” (Rafael A. Calvo et al. – Journal of Digital Information Vol 5.2)

Planning: The Key to Successful CMS Implementation

“The Semantic Web is an on-going large-scale effort to improve the current architecture of the World Wide Web by adding a semantic infrastructure to web resources that can be used for sophisticated data-oriented applications. As its basis, we identify metadata, or information about information, that unambiguously specify machine-understandable facts about web resources.” (Judy Glick-Smith – The Rockley Report)