All posts from
October 2007

Well-formed data

“User Interface designer with a focus on information visualization in conjunction with statistical methods and machine learning. Theoretical background in cognitive sciences. Years of professional experience as a web producer, designer, team leader.” (Moritz Stefaner) – courtesyofpetermorville

Scalable Design

“You’ve spent the last six months toiling away at a product design. The last few weeks were especially rough—tying up loose edge cases, closing out bugs, polishing up interaction and visual design details. And now your product has launched, so its time for some well deserved rest, right? (…) Your seemingly elegant design begins to bloat with features, tear under the pressure of localization, and nearly keel over under the weight of new content that pushes it to its breaking point. Before long you give up. It’s time to redesign—again.” (Luke WroblewskiUXmatters)

3rd information design international conference (Oct. 10-13, 2007)

EXTRA – “We are pleased to announce The 3rd Information Design International Conference, which, is a joint event with The 2nd Brazilian Conference of Information Design and The 3rd Information Design Student Conference [CONGIC]. Consecutively to these events, we are also glad to announce The IVLA 2007 – The International Visual Literacy Association Annual Conference, which is in its 39th edition. For the first time the IVLA Conference takes place in Latin America, and it is promoted in association to SBDI- The Brazilian Society of Information Design. As to encourage participation in the Information Design and the IVLA events, joint subscriptions will receive fee discounts!”

Interaction Experience: Pliability, Fluency and Other Experiential Qualities

“Everybody wants to design for good use experiences, but not many seem to know exactly what that means once we move beyond usability and usefulness. In this presentation, I introduce the notion of experiential qualities, which refers to attempts to characterize what ‘good use’ means for different genres of digital products and services. Two experiential qualities are introduced in more detail: (1) Pliability: the sense of captivating and malleable information in interactive visualizations, and (2) Fluency: a desirable characteristic in situations of multiple media streams fighting for the user’s attention.” (Jonas LöwgrenFromBusinessToButtons)

euro IA Summit 2007 Proceedings PDF Logo

The proceedings of the third European summit on Information Architecture (21-22 September, Barcelona) are available for download. With its theme ‘Translating Information Architecture’ and under the great orchestration of Eric ‘FatDUX’ Reiss, 150 participants from 18 countries had two great days full of presentation, poster and panel sessions. See how they network at the Flickr picture impression ‘euroIA2007‘. Next year’s euroIASummit (26-27 september 2008) will be in Amsterdam! – (

HCI in SciFi Movies

“Science Fiction movies have been a source for speculation about the future of technology and human computer interaction. This paper presents a survey of different kinds of interaction designs in movies during the past decades and relates the techniques of the films to existing technologies and prototypes where possible. The interactions will be categorized with respect to their domain of real-life applications and also evaluated in regard to results of current research in human computer interaction.” (A. Butz, C. Endres, and W. Wahlster) – courtesy of michelvuijlsteke

iPhone Human Interface Guidelines

“Apple’s iPhone presents a revolutionary user interface and interaction model. Users can view webpages, use web applications, and use built-in iPhone features, such as the email application, the iPod, and the digital camera, wherever they go. Safari on iPhone, a unique implementation of Safari, is the application users use to browse the web on both iPhone and iPod touch.” (Apple Developer Connection) – courtesy of daringfireball