All posts from
November 2005

The Principles of Universal Design

“The authors, a working group of architects, product designers, engineers and environmental design researchers, collaborated to establish the following Principles of Universal Design to guide a wide range of design disciplines including environments, products, and communications. These seven principles may be applied to evaluate existing designs, guide the design process and educate both designers and consumers about the characteristics of more usable products and environments.” – (Center for Universal

The Web 2.0 Experience Continuum

“So what will the next ten years feel like? Disorienting at first, but normal eventually. It will take time for users to acclimate to the semi-structured experiences available on the Web, and even longer to accept the unstructured experiences. We’ll shed some of the metaphors — sites, bookmarks, pages, and so on – that we’ve used to orient ourselves on the Web, in the same way that cars stopped having running boards and television has stopped broadcasting stage plays.” – (Dan SafferAdaptive Path)

The Search: How Google and its rivals rewrote the rules of business and transformed our culture

Wilson, T.D. (2005). Review of: Battelle, J. The search: How Google and its rivals rewrote the rules of business and transformed our culture. Boston, MA, London: Nicholas Brearley Publishing, 2005. Information Research, 11 (1) – “Perfect search – every single possible bit of information at our fingertips, perfectly contexualised, perfectly personalized – may never be realized. But the journey to find out if it just might be is certainly going to be fun.” – (Information Research 11.1)

Planning for User Research Success

“Planning is crucial if you want your user research efforts to be effective. You need to think about what information you need to gather, and why, before embarking on any research. Good planning, well communicated to the client or project, and followed by careful implementation will ensure your research is effective.” – (Daniel Szuc and Gerry Gaffney – Apogee)

Introduction to Web Accessibility

“Most people today can hardly conceive of life without the Internet. It provides access to information, news, email, shopping, and entertainment. The Internet, with its ability to serve out information at any hour of the day or night about practically any topic conceivable, has become a way of life for an impatient, information-hungry generation. Some have argued that no other single invention has been more revolutionary since that of Gutenberg’s original printing press in the mid 1400s. Now, at the click of a mouse, the world can be ‘at your fingertips’ – that is, if you can use a mouse… and if you can see the screen… and if you can hear the audio – in other words, if you don’t have a disability of any kind.” – (Paul Bohman –

Migrating from HTML to XHTML and XML

“This is the first part of a two-part article describing a detailed methodology for migrating HTML files to the structure and flexibility of XHTML and/or XML. By using XHTML to add structure and separate content from presentation, you’ll be better positioned for a move to XML. Even if you never move to XML, your XHTML files will be easier to create and maintain, and will be more accessible.” – (Char James-TannyWinWriterUA)

Rethinking Application Design

“(…) with more than a year of experience working in Silicon Valley and seeing inside various leading technology companies – both as a consultant/designer and through my speaking and networking activities – I’ve realized that the basic corporate design model for Web and application design is broken. This article will share some of the conclusions I’ve drawn and propose some better approaches for designing successful applications.” – (Dirk Knemeyer – Digital Web Magazine)

Gates, Jobs, & the Zen aesthetic

“(…) two contrasting visual approaches employed by Gates and Jobs in their presentations while keeping key aesthetic concepts found in Zen in mind. I believe we can use many of the concepts in Zen and Zen aesthetics to help us compare their presentation visuals as well as help us improve our own visuals. My point in comparing Jobs and Gates is not to poke fun but to learn.” – (Garr ReynoldsPresentation Zen)

UXmatters: Insights and inspiration for the user experience community

“We are very pleased to welcome you to UXmatters – a Web magazine created by and for UX professionals. Together we can create the premiere source of information and inspiration for UX professionals. (…) If you’re a business person who wants to learn what user experience professionals can do for your company or a consumer who wants to know how to choose products that are both useful and usable, we hope you’ll both enjoy and benefit from reading UXmatters.” – (Pabini Gabriel-Petit et al. – About UXmatters) – Congrats to all who made this possible.