All posts from
March 2004

The high cost of not finding information

“We need to embed both people and information within a system that fits how people in the organization work, that understands the workflow and when the needs for information arise. People need to use information within the context of their jobs and their environment. It’s not just the information that is vital to the organization. It’s the exchange of information, the information within the context of the people and the situation of the moment that needs to be recorded and tracked so that when people disappear, the reasons why decisions are made remain behind.” (Susan FeldmanKMWorld) – courtesy of john rhodes

The Red Herring of Usability ROI

“Like all of Rosenberg’s observant myths, the misguided belief that statements like these can be made (and more importantly believed!) is the great red herring of usability ROI research. Let’s rid ourselves of these top-down, macro-level assertions and get down to the real work of analyzing specific usability interventions at the project level. Only through rigorous and in-depth analysis can larger patterns emerge and applications be developed.” (Scott Hirsch – Net Now) – courtesy of ia slash

Seven Myths of Usability ROI

“Daniel Rosenberg began his talk by confessing that he doesn’t believe in usability Return on Investment (ROI). Having spent 30 years in the field of User Experience (UE), and never having been asked to justify usability by its ROI, Rosenberg raises a question: Why are we still discussing this topic?” (BayCHI) – courtesy of nick finck

Technical writers and interaction design

“Technical writers are oft-forgotten constituents in the product development cycle. Although they are rarely tasked with participating in product requirements definition and product design, technical writers are in a unique position to affect product design. However, they will find that subtlety and subterfuge are sometimes necessary to make a politically correct impact in an organization that has not embraced interaction design as a formal part of the development process.” (Steve Calde – Cooper)

Didier Hilhorst Speaks

“Colors and design are direct interface features. In my opinion the level of attractiveness directly affects ease-of-use, enjoyment and usefulness. A good website, as opposed to just a usable website, should seamlessly blend accessibility, usability and aesthetic quality.” (skinnyj) – courtesy of nick finck